Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bonus Tuesday Blog: Voting is Cool!!

Yep- I voted in our primary. :) It is an amazing priveledge and responsibility - and I'm proud to be able to take part. We did have one little mishap - I'm registered Republican and hubby is registered No Party. Hubby checked in to get his ballot right before me and the very nice woman who was in charge of handing out the ballots gave me a No Party ballot, too. Oops!

(On the off chance that anyone reading this is not familiar with the American system of voting: in the primaries, you can only vote for a person if you are registered in the party they are trying to get the nomination for. So, registered Democrats can only vote on people trying to get the Democrat nomination, Republicans can only vote for people trying to get the Republican nomination, and if you are registered No Party you don't vote for anybody. In the actual election, you can vote for whomever you wish.)

After I bubbled in the ballot (it was for an ammendment in our state), I realized that there weren't any Republican candidates listed...or any candidates for that matter. I checked back with the super nice volunteers and we quickly figured out that they had assumed I was No Party like hubby. The first ballot was destroyed, I made my pick on a new ballot, and all was once again right with the world...I'm pretty sure there was whistling and sunlight involved there somewhere. :)

1 comment:

Allen said...

I'm proud of you both.